Innovative Unique Features
- The Only LED Message display that can connect to any PLC Network as a Nodal device, Monitor tags & Display messages.
- 8 Tri-color models
Visible up to 400 ft away,
2” to 8” Character
- EZ to add to any PLC/Network No change in PLC program whatsoever!
- Import tag database from PLC
- 1/3rd the cost, just $50 per character
- 1/3rd the weight
- 1/3rd the Power Consumption Consumption
- 60°C operation, as compared to 35°C from others
- NEMA 12 (Indoors) models
- Unifrom brightness over life
- 100K+ Hours life
- Scrolling, Blinking & Stationary Messages
- Mixed character heights on same line for better utilization & readability
- International character set
EZiMarquee Features & Benefits
EZ to add to any PLC/Network No change in PLC program whatsoever!
Consider EZiMarquee, i for Intelligent, to be an HMI without touchscreen sitting in any PLC network as an inteligent nodal deivce.
The EZiMarquee can monitor any tags available on the network. For example, an over temperature tag. The iMarquee can monitor and display the temperature and create an alarm if the temperature exceeds a limit. This is all done without changing a single rung in the PLC program. Until now, you may have had a fear of needing to change the PLC program to create a string of over temperature value and send the alarm message to the marquee. With iMarquee there is no need for this, you can simply monitor this particular tag.
All EZiMarquees can communicate to any PLC network, Serial, Hardware protocol or any industrial Ethernet which means EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP/IP, DH+, Modbus RTU. All serial protocols of all PLCs and EZ protcol. For complete list see communication protocol.
1/3rd the Weight, 1/3rd the Power Consumption
EZAutomation and its sister division Uticor have been the #1 U.S. Supplier of LED message displays since 1985 to monitor, display and improve plant productivity and operation. The EZMarquee is the latest offering in this line of products. Its unique design allowed it cut down power consumption by 2/3rd and in the process reduced its weight also by 2/3rds. Reduced weight allows it to be mounted a lot easier.
1/3rd the Power Consumption allowing Marquee to be operational at 60°C ambient
Most all other Marquees from our competitions limit thier operation to 35°C. In fact AB/Rockwell's Inview line would shut itself down if the ambient got over 35°C and due to high power consumption inside the marquee cabinet, the inside temperature would rise by 20°C. Inview had a temperature detector at 55°C to shut it down before it got burnt down and catch fire. Not so with EZMarquee, 1/3rd power consumption allows it be fully functional at 60°C.
**Note: Inview has been discontinued by AB/Rockwell. In fact they no longer offer any Marquees.
Extremely Cost Effective
EZiMarquee as such has no competition so it is hard to comapre cost and Inview or similar marquee attempting to duplciate the functionality of EZiMarquee will have to spend additional $4000 to simulate an HMI dedicated to this function or use an industrial computer. The EZiMarquee solution in most instances wil be 1/3rd to 1/4 the cost of any competitive solution.
Wide Variety of 2 Line 10 Character to 4 Line 40 Character
EZMarquee has 8 different models from 2 Line 10 Character (2") to 4 Line 40 Character, all Tri-color.
NEMA 12 (Indoors) models
EZAutomation offers Indoors (NEMA12) models. Delivery is still off the shelf or 1 week.
Uticor Division Marquees
Our sister division Uticor makes the most rugged Indoor and outdoor all metal marquees, including staineless steel models. You can call Uticor at 563-359-7501
Uniform Brightness over Life
All LEDs age, that is they lose thier brightness over a period of time. EZAutomation uses matched LEDs for each marquee so that when the LEDs age, they will age uniformly. You can always tell if a marquee you are looking at is an EZAutomation or Uticor Marquee. When LEDs are not matched, it would start to fadeout in different section of the marquee, so some letters would be brighter than others. With EZAutomation, your Marquee will look the same, read the same even 10 years after installation as all LEDs in the marquee have lost their luminous intensity uniformly.
100,000 Hour Lifetime
EZMarquee LEDs lasts at least 100,000 hours, giving our cutomers a marquee with long, useful life. Our marquees last twice as long as others.
Scrolling, Blinking, Stationary Messages
All EZMarquees have the option of displaying messages athta are stationary, scrolling or blinking.
Import tag database and alarm database from PLC
Just like an HMI you can download the tag database and alarm message database from the PLC network connecting to. Storage capacity is practically unlimited.
Mixed Character heights on a single line
EZiMarquees have a unique feature of allowing mixed charcter heights on a single line allowing the marquee to, for example allows 2" character with 8" character to make it he most effecient LED message disply in the market. The reason you may want to have mixed height charcters in the same line would be have part of the message, for example, temperature reading visible up to 400 ft while the rest is visible only to 100 ft.
International Character Set
EZMarquees can display messages in many languages as you can choose from an international character set. |
No PLC Ladder Logic Change!
No ladder logic change required when adding a display to communicate Machine/Process status and alarms to plant floor as long as the data is available in PLC. The EZ Intelligent Marquee becomes another node on the PLC network which reads and writes to PLC registers just like an HMI/Operator Interface does. |
Most Major PLC Protocols Built-in
- All EZPLC protocols
- Allen Bradley EtherNet/IP & DF1
- Siemens ISO over TCP/IP
- Automaton Direct (K-Sequence, Do-More, Click Series etc..)
- Mitsubishi
- Omron
- DH+ optional
- Modbus RTU & TCP/IP
Math Logic / Scripting
The Intelligent Marquees offer a sophisticated control, called the Multi-function Object. As the name implies, this Object allows you to perform multiple functions, including Mathematical and Logical operations on PLC data. For example, you can set/reset multiple bits & transfer constants or variables or expressions to tags. Remarkably, this Benefit allows a user to perform up to 20 operations with one Object. Performing these Multiple functions is a very useful feature to offload mathematical & logical computations from the ladder logic to the Marquee. |
Display & Store User Programmed Messages based on Event (Tag address) and Time
iMarquee has 3 types of messages, as shown in the figure below.
- iMarquee allows you to program a (single) Priority Message along with a condition (such as Bit is set, a register is beyond a value or outside a range, etc). iMarquee would continuously monitor the programmed variable, and display this message when the condition is met. No other message is displayed when priority message is displayed, so this is used for only critical messages.
- The second types of messages are Machine/Process Status & alarm messages. Like the priority message, user needs to program message display conditions. You can program any number of such messages. If multiple messages need to be displayed, iMarquee would cycle through these messages.
- The normal messages are programmed along with a message number, and which of the programmed message needs be displayed is controlled by the PLC. Only for this type of message, you will have to provide logic in the PLC. The Priority and Status/Alarm messages DO NOT NEED to do anything with the PLC program, only its tag contents.
Import tag database from PLC
With EZ Intelligent Marquee Software, you can automatically import your tag database via .CSV or Excel format. Once the tags are in the software, you then assign a distinct message for each event (bits) and values (registers). |
Alarm/Message database
EZ Intelligent Marquees offer a sophisticated alarm system. You can monitor events (bits) and values (registers). The values can then be monitored for a variety of conditions (=, >, <, in/out of range). The alarms can be selectively displayed, printed and / or logged in a alarm database. Practically an unlimited # of messages can be stored inside the marquee itself! |