Innovative Unique Features
- EZ Remote IO leaves your PLC intact but reduces your IO cost to 1/3rd.
- EZ connectivity and configuration with 125 Serial protocols, EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP/IP, GE SRTP, Siemens Ethernet ISO over TCP/IP.
- It allows the Remote system expansion to 2048 IO points with Cube Modules and to 112 IO in Rack Mount IO.
- Highest Reliability and Noise Immunity in industry.
- Incredibly compact, 31 different Cube IO modules. 4 12 Bit Analog In, 4 12 Bit Analog Out for just $149: $18.62 per Analog IO. 2”x2”x1” cube.
- Easiest Drag-n-Drop Free Configuration Software.
- EZRIO Nano: Lowest cost starting at $129 for 24 rugged I/O. $139
- EZRIO Micro: Best RIO for Bench mark IO of 24 DCI, 8 DCO, 8 RLO, 4 ANI, 4 ANO. $239
- 4 of EZ RIO for 1 of AB, 2 of EZ RIO for 1 of AutomationDirect.
- EZRackRIO (17 different modules) with patent pending design to avoid broken tabs.
- Removable Plug-in Terminal blocks for IO.
- Status LED for each I/O in every model
- Better Features and Ratings in every category of IO.
Remote IO for existing PLCsMouseover product image to get base information |
EZ Remote Cube I/O from 8 to 2048 I/O |
EZ Remote Rack I/O to 112 Pt.