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5. Made in America means Innovation & Innovation: TouchPLCs, Detachable Display, MiniTouchPLC, EZ iMarquee, EZ Power Supply

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Exceptionally Innovative
Made in America
Exceptionally Innovative
Rugged Reliable
Great Prices

Innovative Unique Features

  • 8000 NITS for Red and 12,000 NITS for Tri Color, Readable in direct sunlight
  • #1 U.S. Supplier of LED message displays
    since 1985 to Monitor, Display and improve Plant Productivity and Operations. ROI 6 wks.
  • 16 models Red color LED Visible, 2” to 8” Character
  • Internal storage of 200 messages. PLC can communicate on Ethernet IP, Modbus TCP/IP, Profibus, DeviceNet, EZ Protocol, Modbus RTU
  • 1/3rd the cost
  • 1/3rd the weight
  • 1/3rd the Power Consumption
  • 60°C operation, as compared to 35°C from others
  • Widest variety 1 Line 10 Character to 4 Line 40 Character
  • NEMA 12 (Indoors) models
  • Unifrom brightness over life
  • 100K+ Hours life
  • Scrolling, Blinking & Stationary Messages
  • Mixed character heights on same line for better utilization & readability
  • Free string generator software
  • International character set


EZMarquee Sunlight Readable Features & Benefits

8000 NITS for Red and 12,000 NITS for Tri Color Sunlight Readable

EZAutomation is the only designer, manufacturer of sunlight readable Marquees which can talk to most industrial PLC protocols. We are the #1 U.S. Supplier of LED message displays.

Sunlight Readable Models

EZAutomation offers very high-bright 8000 NITS marquees that work in bright sunlight. The construction of course which has NEMA 12 rating.

1/3rd the Weight, 1/3rd the Power Consumption

EZAutomation and its sister division Utior have been the #1 U.S. Supplier of LED message displays since 1985 to monitor, display and improve plant productivity and operation. The EZMarquee is the latest offering in this line of products. Its unique design allowed it cut down power consumption by 2/3rd and in the process reduced its weight also by 2/3rds. Reduced weight allows it to be mounted a lot easier.

1/3rd the Power Consumption allowing Marquee to be operational at 60°C ambient

Most all other Marquees from our competitions limit thier operation to 35°C. In fact AB/Rockwell's Inview line would shut itself down if the ambient got over 35°C and due to high power consumption inside the marquee cabinet, the inside temperature would rise by 20°C. Inview had a temperature detector at 55°C to shut it down before it got burnt down and catch fire. Not so with EZMarquee, 1/3rd power consumption allows it be fully functional at 60°C.

**Note: Inview has been discontinued by AB/Rockwell. In fact they no longer offer any Marquees.

1/3rd the Cost, just $55 per Character

Along with 1/3rd the weight, 1/3rd the Power Consumption, came 1/3rd the cost. It is Made in America, but its unique, exceptionally innovative design allows it to be sold at 1/3rd the price of Rockwell, Adaptive, Red Lion and others. For ball park price you can generally assume $55 per 2" Character. A 2" character is visible/readable from 100 ft. away. 4" character from 200 ft, and 8" character from 400 ft.

Wide Variety of 1 Line 10 Character to 4 Line 40 Character

EZMarquee has 16 different models from 1 Line 10 Character to 4 Line 40 Character. We also do custom size like 8Line 40 Characters. please call us at 1-877-774-3279 to speak to an application engineer.

NEMA 12 (Indoors) & NEMA 4X (Outdoor)

EZAutomation offers both Indoorss (NEMA12) or outdoors NEMA 4X models. Delivery is still off the shelf or 1 week.

Uticor Division Marquees

Our sister division Uticor makes the most rugged Indoor and outdoor all metal marquees, including staineless steel models. You can call Uticor at 563-359-7501

Uniform Brightness over Life

All LEDs age, that is they lose thier brightness over a period of time. EZAutomation uses matched LEDs for each marquee so that when the LEDs age, they will age uniformly. You can always tell if a marquee you are looking at is an EZAutomation or Uticor Marquee. When LEDs are not matched, it would start to fadeout in different section of the marquee, so some letters would be brighter than others. With EZAutomation, your Marquee will look the same, read the same even 10 years after installation as all LEDs in the marquee have lost their luminous intensity uniformly.

100,000 Hour Lifetime

EZMarquee LEDs lasts at least 100,000 hours, giving our cutomers a marquee with long, useful life. Our marquees last twice as long as others.

Scrolling, Blinking, Stationary Messages

All EZMarquees have the option of displaying messages that are stationary, scrolling or blinking.

Internal Storage of 200 messages

All EZMarquees have an internal non-volatile flash memory that can store up to 200 messages.


All EZMarquees can communicate to EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP/IP, Profibus, DeviceNet, Modbus RTU, all serial protocols of all PLCs and EZ protcol. Here, the PLC generates the message string to be sent to EZMarquee.

Free String Generator Software

We provide a free string generating software that converts standard English mesage to an ASCII character string that can be uploadded to the PLC and triggered based on the PLC events. This message is then displayed on the EZMarquee.

Mixed Character heights on a single line

EZMarquees have a unique feature of allowing mixed charcter heights on a single line allowing the marquee to, for example have a 2" character along with an 8" character on the same line to make it the most effecient LED message display in the market. The reason you may want to have mixed height characters in the same line would be have part of the message, for example, temperature reading visible up to 400 ft while the rest is visible only to 100 ft.

International Character Set

EZMarquees can display messages in many languages as you can choose from an international character set.

EZ Connectivity to PLCs, SCADA, and Plant Network PCs over EtherNet/IP, Modbus RTU & TCP/IP, Profibus, DeviceNet and generic Ethernet TCP/IP

PLC Communication setup guide

Allen Bradley Compact /
Control Logix PLC

Allen Bradley


Siemens PLC
over TCP/IP


FREE String Generator Software

EZ Marquee comes with Free String Generator Software that makes it very EZ to program messages into it. Since the EZ Marquee is a slave marquee that displays messages sent in ASCII format, it is necessary to convert messages written in any language into an ASCII string. For English, we offer a Free software that performs this function literally in seconds. Click here to download the free software, preview messages and generate ASCII strings which can be simply copied and pasted into the PLC ladder logic or in Visual Basic scripting to interface with SCADA packages. This software is also extremely useful when connecting the EZ Marquee simply to your PC.


Lightweight and Energy Efficient

EZ Marquee was designed from the ground up to be SENSIBLE. When designing a marquee, one of the biggest challenges is to manage the power. Even though each LED may need only 10 mA of steady state current or 80-100 mA of peak current, the number of LEDs in even a small marquee is quite large.

Most competitive marquees use rather inefficient power supplies and would thus use approximately 200 watts. That is a lot of power which results in a significant increase in internal temperature causing them to design Thermal Overloads or sometimes even Fans to keep the marquee cool. AB’s Inview or Adaptive marquees for example are rated at 55° C inside its cabinet but dims at 35° C ambient and has an automatic shutdown at 40° C ambient.

Not so with EZ Marquee! With AVG’s innovation and vertical integration strength, we have designed the EZMarquee to consume 1/3rd of typical power and have used a very efficient power switching system without sacrificing the LED luminous intensity. This innovative and efficient design automatically results in reducing the weight of EZ Marquee, typically by half to 2/3rd of the competitors.