EZ Production Monitor Starter Kit will pay for itself in <1 month due to increase in Productivity and Quality
Hello There! Get Started with
a Discounted EZPM Starter Kit
Features and Benefits of EZPM Made in America:
• Most accurate Productivity and Quality Monitor.
• New invention, there is nothing like this Production Monitor on the market.
• Pre-coded Firmware: Employs a powerful PLC and a Marquee but requires no Programming, all firmware/software is built-in and pre-coded.
• Designed for use by non-technical personnel. Extremely simple User Interface.
• 2 Line 10 character tricolor LED message display readable to 100 ft.
• Red, Yellow and Green LEDs color code the message.
• Very simple wiring. Universal Power input, 15 wire cable.
• Up to six inputs and two outputs. Dry contacts or proximity sensors.
• Communicates to a Lap top over WiFi up to 50 ft. away.
• Patent pending smart logic to minimize tampering with the monitor and provide the most accurate information on plant productivity and quality.
• Available in four models.
• Real Time Clock and Data Logging for deeper analysis of production operations.
With a 30 day money back guarantee, what have you got to lose?
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EZPM Starter Kit EZPMT-2L10C-DL-SK
 Buy Now - EZPMT 2L10C Starter Kit
For EZ Start & 5% Discount $1066
Starter Kit Includes:
» 2 Line 10 Character, tri-color with built-in wifi, real-time clock and data logging
» 30 mm triple sense proximity switch with 1" sensing range